Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Am bu chòir a’ chainb a bhith laghail?
[Jamie] An cuala riamh air an ‘hoochimaroo?’ Nach eil thu a’ smocadh an hoochiemaroo, a bheil?
[Alannah] Chan eil mise a’ smocadh an hoochiemaroo.
[Eilidh] Nam bheachd-sa bu chòir dha a’ chainb a bhith laghail. Tha buaidh nas miosa aig deoch-làidir air daoine na tha aig a’ chainb. Bidh deoch-làidir a’ toirt air daoine a bhith mar, feargach agus a’ faighinn ann an sabaidean ’s a h-uile càil mar sin. Agus, nuair a bhios daoine a’ smocadh, tha iad dìreach toilichte.
[Jamie] The stone.
[Alannah] yeah, the good coosh.
[Jamie] The green.
[Alannah] The green, the Mary Jane. Em, dè eile a th’ againn?
[Jamie] Dope.
[Alannah] Dope, yeah. Weed.
[Hamish] Chan eil e duilich. Agus bidh fios aig cha mhòr a h-uile duine air àite a choireigin a gheibh iad grèim air. Ach ’s dòcha nach bi e sàbhailte.
[Cailean] Nuair a bha mi fhèin san oilthigh, bha mi eòlach air iomadh neach a bha a’ smocadh cainb agus tha e gu math cumanta. ‘S dòcha gu bheil e ceart gu leòr ma tha neach ga smocadh mar rudeigin pearsanta. ‘S dòcha gu bheil e ceart cho math ma tha iad a’ faighinn dheth leis, chan eil iad a’ dèanamh sìon ceàrr gu neach sam bith eile. Ach tha mi a’ smaointinn fhathast gum bu chòir dha a bhith mì-laghail a bhith a’ sgaoileadh no ga fhàs.
[Alannah] See tha mise a’ fàs confused oir tha like weed ‘s hash agus ‘s e rudan diofraichte a th’ annta.
[Ceitidh] Chan eil beachdan làidir agam mu dheidhinn a’ chuspair. Chan eil mi fhìn eòlach air duine sam bith sa chearcall agam a tha ga chleachdadh no a chleachd e anns a bheil thu fhèin mar oileanach meidigeach so chan eil fhios agam a thaobh...
[Shannon] Chanainn-sa, feumaidh mi ràdh, tha iad a’ dèanamh tòrr rannsachaidh air cainb agus ciamar a tha e ag obair agus tha daoine a’ sealltainn gu bheil e feumail ann an dòighean. Ach dhòmhsa, bha mi ag ràdh na bu tràithe, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bu choir drugaichean uile a bhith laghail.
Should cannabis be legal?
[Jamie] Have you heard of ‘hoochimaroo’? Don’t you smoke hoochiemaroo? Do you?
[Alannah] I don’t smoke hoochiemaroo.
[Eilidh] In my opinion, cannabis should be legal. Alcohol has a worse impact on people than cannabis does. Alcohol makes people angry and fight and everything like that. And, when people smoke, they’re just happy.
[Jamie] The stone.
[Alannah] Yeah, the good coosh.
[Jamie] The green.
[Alannah] The green, the Mary Jane. Em, what else do we have?
[Jamie] Dope.
[Alannah] Dope, yeah. Weed.
[Hamish] It’s not difficult. And almost everyone knows somewhere they can get a hold of it. But it might not be safe.
[Cailean] When I was at university myself, I knew lots of people who smoked cannabis and it’s very common. Maybe it’s alright when people use it for personal use. Maybe it would be just as good to let them get away with it, they’re not harming anyone else. But I still think that it should be illegal to distribute or grow it.
[Allanah] See, I’m getting confused because there’s like weed and hash and they’re different things.
[Ceitidh] I don’t have a strong opinion on the subject. I don’t know anyone in my own circle that uses it or how its is used in the way that used as you do as a medical student it so I don’t know in terms of...
[Shannon] I’d say, I have to say, they are doing lots of research on cannabis, how it works and people are showing that it is useful in certain situations. But personally, as I was saying earlier, I think that all drugs should be legal.
Am bu chòir a’ chainb a bhith laghail?
[Jamie] An cuala riamh air an ‘hoochimaroo?’ Nach eil thu a’ smocadh an hoochiemaroo, a bheil?
[Alannah] Chan eil mise a’ smocadh an hoochiemaroo.
[Eilidh] Nam bheachd-sa bu chòir dha a’ chainb a bhith laghail. Tha buaidh nas miosa aig deoch-làidir air daoine na tha aig a’ chainb. Bidh deoch-làidir a’ toirt air daoine a bhith mar, feargach agus a’ faighinn ann an sabaidean ’s a h-uile càil mar sin. Agus, nuair a bhios daoine a’ smocadh, tha iad dìreach toilichte.
[Jamie] The stone.
[Alannah] yeah, the good coosh.
[Jamie] The green.
[Alannah] The green, the Mary Jane. Em, dè eile a th’ againn?
[Jamie] Dope.
[Alannah] Dope, yeah. Weed.
[Hamish] Chan eil e duilich. Agus bidh fios aig cha mhòr a h-uile duine air àite a choireigin a gheibh iad grèim air. Ach ’s dòcha nach bi e sàbhailte.
[Cailean] Nuair a bha mi fhèin san oilthigh, bha mi eòlach air iomadh neach a bha a’ smocadh cainb agus tha e gu math cumanta. ‘S dòcha gu bheil e ceart gu leòr ma tha neach ga smocadh mar rudeigin pearsanta. ‘S dòcha gu bheil e ceart cho math ma tha iad a’ faighinn dheth leis, chan eil iad a’ dèanamh sìon ceàrr gu neach sam bith eile. Ach tha mi a’ smaointinn fhathast gum bu chòir dha a bhith mì-laghail a bhith a’ sgaoileadh no ga fhàs.
[Alannah] See tha mise a’ fàs confused oir tha like weed ‘s hash agus ‘s e rudan diofraichte a th’ annta.
[Ceitidh] Chan eil beachdan làidir agam mu dheidhinn a’ chuspair. Chan eil mi fhìn eòlach air duine sam bith sa chearcall agam a tha ga chleachdadh no a chleachd e anns a bheil thu fhèin mar oileanach meidigeach so chan eil fhios agam a thaobh...
[Shannon] Chanainn-sa, feumaidh mi ràdh, tha iad a’ dèanamh tòrr rannsachaidh air cainb agus ciamar a tha e ag obair agus tha daoine a’ sealltainn gu bheil e feumail ann an dòighean. Ach dhòmhsa, bha mi ag ràdh na bu tràithe, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bu choir drugaichean uile a bhith laghail.
Should cannabis be legal?
[Jamie] Have you heard of ‘hoochimaroo’? Don’t you smoke hoochiemaroo? Do you?
[Alannah] I don’t smoke hoochiemaroo.
[Eilidh] In my opinion, cannabis should be legal. Alcohol has a worse impact on people than cannabis does. Alcohol makes people angry and fight and everything like that. And, when people smoke, they’re just happy.
[Jamie] The stone.
[Alannah] Yeah, the good coosh.
[Jamie] The green.
[Alannah] The green, the Mary Jane. Em, what else do we have?
[Jamie] Dope.
[Alannah] Dope, yeah. Weed.
[Hamish] It’s not difficult. And almost everyone knows somewhere they can get a hold of it. But it might not be safe.
[Cailean] When I was at university myself, I knew lots of people who smoked cannabis and it’s very common. Maybe it’s alright when people use it for personal use. Maybe it would be just as good to let them get away with it, they’re not harming anyone else. But I still think that it should be illegal to distribute or grow it.
[Allanah] See, I’m getting confused because there’s like weed and hash and they’re different things.
[Ceitidh] I don’t have a strong opinion on the subject. I don’t know anyone in my own circle that uses it or how its is used in the way that used as you do as a medical student it so I don’t know in terms of...
[Shannon] I’d say, I have to say, they are doing lots of research on cannabis, how it works and people are showing that it is useful in certain situations. But personally, as I was saying earlier, I think that all drugs should be legal.